Cultural Heritage

Querétaro is located in the Mexican Bajío area at the center of the country, 221 kilometers from Mexico City. Its metropolitan area has a population of over one million inhabitants, which makes it the tenth metropolitan area by population in the country.

Santiago de Querétaro is famous for its important role in the history of Mexico.

In 1810 it was in  Querétaro where the movement that would lead to the Independence of Mexico was planned. In 1996 its Historical Center, located a few steps from Barrio Santiago, received from UNESCO the distinction of World Heritage, being one of the most beautiful and best preserved in the world

Hacienda Carretas was founded in the 16th century and was named in 1547 Fray Sebastián de Aparicio established the hacienda as a stop along the way for the carts that transported silver from the minerals of Zacatecas, to be melted in Mexico City.

In 1562 a lodge was built on the spot and gradually it became an Hacienda, in the 50’s  Hacienda Carretas became as a dairy farm. The last use of the Hacienda Carretas before its remodeling was as a kindergarten and today it is cataloged by INAH as a historical monument.
In order to build Barrio Santiago, we worked hard with the corresponding authorities to restore Hacienda Carretas in a comprehensive manner and with full responsibility

Few constructions are as relevant for a city as is the aqueduct for the city of Queretaro

The Aqueduct is considered the most important urban work of the 18th century, symbol and pride of the City of Querétaro. This majestic construction began in the year 1726 and took nine years to be completed. It has 74 arches of a maximum height of 23 meters and a length of 1,280 meters. It is made of pink quarry and masonry, both in the catchment pool and in the arcade.

Currently the water continues to reach Queretaro through it and is deposited in 10 public and 60 private fountains, located throughout the city and whose construction was completed in 1738.

This great work of hydraulic engineering was executed by Don Juan Antonio de Urrutia y Arana, Marquis of Villa del Villar del Águila, benefactor of the City of Querétaro.

The “Camino Real de Tierra Adentro” is the oldest and longest in trade road in the American continent, having an extension of around 2,900 kilometers. Originally departed from the Plaza de Santo Domingo in Mexico City and ended in the City of Santa Fe in New Mexico (now United States).

This road was drawn by the conquistadors to facilitate commerce mainly of silver, reason why it is also popularly known like Way of the Silver or Route of the Silver.

The precious,attracted diverse prehispanic groups such as: Tlaxcaltecas, Otomies, Tonaltecas and Mayas; as well as Europeans: Spanish, Portuguese, Flemish, French, Italian, English and German, contributing to the cultural and racial diversity of the City of Querétaro.

On August 1, 2010, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee declared the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro as a World Heritage cultural itinerary, registering 60 sites throughout eleven states of the country, from Mexico City to Chihuahua.

Given its cultural characteristics and historical significance, the section of the road that passes through US territory (a total of 646 kilometers) was declared as National Historic Trail in October 2000.

Due to its proximity and relation of the aqueduct to the Hacienda, it was considered the perfect place for its museum.

This small museum will explain matters about the importance of the aqueduct from its construction, about water and its relationship with the city of Queretaro.